I asked God for a true friend so he sent me a Labrador Retriever shirt

Your photo is a Golden Retriever. I asked God for a true friend so he sent me a Labrador Retriever shirt The color saturation in the photo has been intensified so that the dog looks almost red. The usual colors are pale gold to a medium golden brown, with red highlights. Labs are very energetic, even frenetic, far into their adult years. Outdoors, this can be fun, entertaining, and even useful to some. Indoors or in a crowd it’s more like an old Disney film, but usually without a laugh track. Even when trained not to jump or charge they can still easily bowl over (and drag) end tables, strollers, senior walkers, high chairs, Christmas trees, picnics, entire birthday parties, babies, toddlers, elderly, injured, infirmed, ill or merely distracted adults…and have no idea it happened.

I asked God for a true friend so he sent me a Labrador Retriever Hoodie


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